If you were to die tomorrow would you feel safe in the knowledge that everything would be taken care of?
For a large number of people, the answer is no and it's easy to understand why. After all, death is hardly a subject people want to talk about, much less plan for.
The sad truth is that thousands of people die each year (whether expected or unexpected) without having made any provisions for the future, meaning that grieving friends and family members are often left trying to untangle their legacy.
However, by planning ahead for later life you could really help to ease the emotional and financial burden on loved ones at what will inevitably be a distressing time.
Writing your Will, deciding on the kind of funeral you would like and nominating an attorney, won't bring death any closer. Quite the contrary.
Having your affairs in order can give you peace of mind that your loved ones will be protected to help you get on with enjoying your life. And you can't put a price tag on that. None of us knows what lies ahead so it's never too early to start planning.
It might seem as though there are lots of decisions to make when you're planning for the future, but we're here to help.
As the UK's largest independent funeral plan provider, more than half a million people have trusted Golden Charter with their funeral arrangements to date. In addition to pre-paid funeral plans, Golden Charter also offers a range of later life planning legal services including Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Pre-paid Probate.
To find out how Golden Charter can help you with your later life planning needs, [request a free info pack or home visit](/get-in touch/brochure-request/ "request a free info pack or home visit") , or call us on 0808 169 4534.