Staff at Golden Charter, the UK's leading pre-paid funeral plan
provider, are stepping up their fundraising to reach the million pound mark for the Woodland Trust.
Golden Charter made its very first donation to the Woodland Trust in 1995. Over the years, the Glasgow-based company has raised just over £994,000 for the woodland conservation charity. With a number of fundraising activities planned, it is hoped that they will take the total beyond £1m this year.
Gordon Swan, Director of Communications of Golden Charter, said "We are immensely proud of the contribution we've made towards supporting the work of the Woodland Trust over the years, but this year we're aiming take the total raised to over £1m.
"Thanks to our kind-hearted employees, we raised £1159.78 as a result of a charity dress down day, woodland-themed bake sale and raffle, which was held at our head office in Glasgow. And with a sponsored 21km walk, run or cycle set to take place in the beautiful surroundings of Loch Katrine, I am more than confident that we will hit our target for the Woodland Trust!"
Golden Charter raised in excess of £10,000 for numerous other charities last year, with money raised through activities such as football tournaments, bake sales, quiz nights and monthly dress down days.
If you would like to help Golden Charter make it to £1m, visit the Golden Challenge JustGiving page by visiting Just Giving Golden Challenge.